M&P Kreation: BDSM serving tray "Sir"

Sir, the weather situation is frosty. Would you like a whiskey to warm you up?


Animation for carrying the tray (Hint: select quiet standing animation)
Animation of the arm remains even when walking and kneeling
Clicking on the tray opens a menu with the following choices: Beer, Cigar, Coffee, Tequila, Whip, Whiskey
The selected item will be placed in the object folder of the inventory
The items are equipped with Bento hand animations
If you rezz the tray, it works the same way

copy, mod, no transfer

Prims: 19
Price: 249 L$

In the package there are 2 versions of tablets, which differ only in the animation for carrying the tablet. Please decide for yourself what you like more.

A beautiful tray, for stimulating role-playing games.

Available at the Mainstore and Marketplace.

Group (50 L$): secondlife:///app/group/11902419-2b83-7e3f-3d16-e80d4ee7f1ea/about



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