M&P Kreation: Sub pillow ADAM


100% Original-Mesh and Bento Animationen
copy, mod, no transfer
Prims: 2
Price: 249 L$


7 sub animationen (one animation holds up a whip)
3 relax animationen
Pig (a pig snout and a pig tail are attached to the sub)
NO Pig (removes everything)
Textures (6 leather black, black old, red, red old, brown, white)
With the menu item "ACCESS" you can determine who has access to the texture menu.

This sub pillow ADAM from Creator Pit Banx is fantastically built. He builds and makes everything himself, from furniture, textures, animations. The idea with the pig snout and tail is perfect.

Available at the Mainstore and Marketplace.

Group (50 L$): secondlife:///app/group/11902419-2b83-7e3f-3d16-e80d4ee7f1ea/about


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