M&P Kreation: Statue Bdsm Angel bondage

A fallen angel ...


100% Original-Mesh
copy, mod, no transfer
LI: 10
Price: 199 L$

For group members - 15%
Group (50 L$): secondlife:///app/group/11902419-2b83-7e3f-3d16-e80d4ee7f1ea/about

Click on the statue to change the texture:
Angel: black, gold, latex, metal, silver, stone, white
Body: black, gold, latex, metal, silver, stone, white
Wings: black, gold, latex, metal, silver, stone, white
Metal: copper, iron, iron old, iron rust, wrought iron
Rope: black, white, brown
Wood: modernly, nature, new, old, old gray, rutic
With the menu item "ACCESS" you can determine who has access to the texture menu.

This wonderful statue was once again superbly built and textured by creator Pit Banx.


The photo was taken on Angel of Pain (Church of Pain). Accessible via the teleporter at the landing point.


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