Short Leash: Big Bang Dildo Mount, Jawbreaker Gag and Kink or Treat Candy Set

Big Bang Dildo Mount


• original mesh
• materials enabled
• RLV & capture enabled
• humiliation & masturbation oriented kinky functional wall furniture
• low prim
• decor version included
• 7 adult solo bento animations
• 5 metal & 14 dildo textures via HUD
• copy/mod/NO transfer

Available at the Mainstore.

Jawbreaker Gag


• original mesh
• materials enabled
• RLV enabled
• non-rigged
• easy to resize
• unisex
• bento mouth animation
• 14 jawbreaker gag & 14 string colors colors via HUD
• copy/mod/NO transfer

Available at the Kinky (open until 22.10.2020) Kinky and the Mainstore.

Kink or Treat Candy Set

• gives choice of 3 different items when clicked
• bento animated props
• low prim decor 
• 5 paddle textures per version
• includes primary & pastel versions as well as candy scatter
• copy/mod/NO transfer

Available at the Kinky (open until 22.10.2020) Kinky and the Mainstore.

More Links:

(DaD Climbing Ivy, {vespertine} pumpkins, Post Table, {anc} falling leaves)


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